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Meet The Team

Backed By Great People,
100% Customer Focused.

The most important asset to our company, is our people. Our team was built with you as our focus.

Aaron Craft

Aaron Craft

Mortgage Loan Consultant
NMLS#: 2369075
Anthony Smothers

Anthony Smothers

Mortgage Loan Consultant
NMLS#: 200155
Bernadette Seabrook

Bernadette Seabrook

Mortgage Loan Consultant
NMLS#: 2302640
Blake Williams

Blake Williams

Mortgage Loan Consultant
NMLS#: 2408710
Briggs Cline

Briggs Cline

NMLS#: 164732
Dave Cooper

Dave Cooper

Mortgage Loan Consultant
NMLS#: 545271
Kris Thurman

Kris Thurman

Mortgage Loan Consultant
NMLS#: 1670173
Rick Musto

Rick Musto

Mortgage Loan Consultant
NMLS#: 989741
Sean Tuttle

Sean Tuttle

Mortgage Loan Consultant
NMLS#: 1532414
Strom Thurman

Strom Thurman

Mortgage Loan Consultant
NMLS#: 349820
Tommy Leahy

Tommy Leahy

Mortgage Loan Consultant
NMLS#: 104374
Will Ardis

Will Ardis

Mortgage Loan Consultant
NMLS#: 161734

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